SARAJEVO International Airport provides Internet access via the WIFI network for visitors and passengers in the Departures area (Gate), Arrivals area and in the main hall. Free WIFI access is provided for 60 minutes, and travelers and visitors who want to have access to the Internet longer than the stipulated free period can still buy a voucher at our points of sale (in catering establishments).
This privacy statement explains our policies and practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information that we collect in connection with the provision of free and paid WIFI internet access services.
What personal data do we process?
If you use WIFI, our system records the unique reference of your device you are connecting to (the physical address of the network card, the so-called MAC address).
Why do we process this personal data?
We need the unique reference of your device in order to enable you to access the WIFI network according to the stipulated conditions.
How long do we keep this personal data?
Collected data on MAC addresses is stored for 31 days.
Who do we share this personal information with?
The data collected during the provision of Internet access services via the WIFI network are not shared with external parties.