Launching of Direct Flight Route Bari – Sarajevo

Wonderful news arrives from our Italian friends. They have announced opening of a direct flight route Bari – Sarajevo.

Around sixty minutes flight would connect our Sarajevo to a wonderful port city Bari; it would connect their historical, cultural and natural beauties and landmarks; link-up entrepreneurs, artists, students and it would in particular bring our citizens closer together.


''This initiative is a confirmation of worthiness of Sarajevo and it is an opportunity for even more greater tourist and business connections to Italian cities, this time to Bari which is very significant, tourist and university centre of the southern Italy'', the Mayor Benjamina Karić, pointed out today at the Online Round Table which was attended by the representatives of political, business, tourist and university scope from both cities, regions and countries.

The partners from Bari, the centre of the Italian southern region Apulia, showed in their speeches the readiness to establish a direct ''bridge'' of closer cooperation and communication with the Western Balkans and their institutions in this way as well.


Jelica Grujić on behalf of the Ministry of External Trade and Economic Relations of B&H emphasized that the flight route Bari – Sarajevo would be beneficial for tourism, business and strengthening of connections.

''Taking into consideration that we are expanding our capacities, we can increase the air traffic volume and in that manner implement this important project for the Airport, Sarajevo and B&H’’, the Director of Sarajevo International Airport, Alan Bajić said.


The Ambassador of B&H in Italy, Slavko Matanović and the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy in B&H Marco di Ruzza attended the Round Table as well.


Besides, the initiative was launched by an Italian reporter Franco Giuliano and its L'isola che non c'é – Non-existent Island Foundation. He was in B&H and Sarajevo during the war, reporting from these areas, thus he is emotionally connected to our city particularly.