SAS introduced air service Stockholm - Sarajevo
Scandinavian airline (SAS), introduced a new air service Stockholm - Sarajevo, starting from July 1, 2014. Flights will be taken once a week.
Aircraft from Stockholm to Sarajevo will land on Tuesdays at 18:50 , and take off at 19:40 hrs, local time, until 12.08.2014.
Scheduled landing time on 16.08.2014 is at 18:30, and take-off at 19:20 hrs.
From 23.08.2014 till 30.08.2014 scheduled landing time will be at 20:15 hrs and take-off at 21:05.
Air tickets are available either on the Internet or at the Ticketing office at Sarajevo International Airport. For more information please call: 033/ 289-266, 289-267, 289-294.