Increase of the Limit above Which Individuals are Required to Report any Exports or Imports of Cash to 10 000 EUR
Pursuant to the Decision on Amendments to the Decision on Export of Foreign Currency Cash and Cheques (Official Gazette of FBiH, No. 38/17), and to the Decree on Amendments to the Decree on Export and Import of Foreign Cash, Convertible Marks, Cheques and Securities (Official Bulletin of RS, No. 46/17), when crossing the state border, a natural person residing in BiH may export or import foreign cash and cheques up to the value of 10 000 EUR. The amount exceeding the above stated value has to be reported to the customs authorities.
The import or export of cash, cheques or securities is to be reported on the cash report form that is available at all borders crossings from customs officers or that can be downloaded from the website